Electric vehicles (EVs) used to be considered a futuristic concept, but today, they’re a reality for millions worldwide. Not only are they more environmentally friendly than their gas-powered counterparts, but they also provide a number of financial benefits. This is especially true here in Hawaii, where gas prices are higher than anywhere else in the US, mainly because we have to have our gas brought in from the mainland.
One of the most important parts of owning an EV is being able to charge it yourself. Sure, you can pay to use a commercial charging station, but you don’t have to do that. Electric Service of Maui is proud to offer EV charger installation in Maui, HI. Keep reading to find out more about our EV charging services, or give us a call at 808-758-5584.
When you purchase your electric vehicle, it comes with a charging cord that resembles a traditional extension cord. These chargers use the same type of plug-in that you’ll find elsewhere in your home. However, if you have an unfinished garage or you park your car outside, you may not have an easily accessible plug-in to charge your vehicle. Fortunately, the team at Electric Service of Maui can install your plug-in, allowing you to charge your car.
There are some caveats that you’ll need to know about, though. Level 1 chargers are the slowest type of charger. You can usually get three to five miles of driving for each hour of charging.
Level 2 chargers are the most common type of electric vehicle charger installation in Maui, HI, that we offer. These chargers require the installation of a new plug-in in most situations. Since Level 2 chargers have a 220-amp plug, you’ll need to have the same type of plug-in that you use for your stove and dryer. These can easily be installed in your garage.
Unlike Level 1 chargers, Level 2 chargers can give you anywhere from 25 to 32 miles of driving range per hour of charging. Plugging in your vehicle in the afternoon when you get home from work usually has you ready to hit the road again the following day or even go out with your friends that evening.